I'm not afraid, I'm not angry, I'm not sad, I'm just ready to get this behind me.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Time For A Nap

I'm not sure what the cause is, but it has suddenly become impossible for me to stay awake all day. I don't have a naptime or a schedule I keep, I just sleep whenever the mood strikes me and it strikes me a lot.

Since my surgery I have had one nap-free day. Maybe I get so sleepy in the afternoons because I get up twice a night to take pain killers and I never sleep for more than 4 consecutive hours as a result. Maybe it's the painkillers themselves that make me so sleepy. Narcotics do funny things to people. Or, maybe I'm simply turning into a 70 year old man. I'm not really sure I care to discover the cause though because I'm not really sure I care to stop napping.

I feel great after a nap. I wake up refreshed, in a good mood and ready to be productive (well, as productive as I can be right now). I may try to incorporate this into my everyday routine permanently. Eventually I'm going to have a schedule again, either from work or school, and I won't be able to nap whenever I feel like, but I think I coule handle scheduled naps as well.

The fun part about my inability to stay awake all day is the fact that I never know when my body is going to demand a nap. Sometimes it's in the morning when I'm done with breakfast, other times it's while I'm reading, yesterday it happened in the car during a two-hour trip. I've learned not to fight the feeling either, it's pointless to try. The nap always wins and so do I when I take the nap.

I know I'm not alone in this idea either, old people nap all the time and so do babies. That's a lot of people there. They can't all be sharing the same bad idea. Hell, there are even entire countries that practice "siestas" every afternoon. I think the moral of this story is, go take a nap. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to stay awake all day.

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