This is a short list of the three things that have been the biggest problems for me so far that I didn't anticipate. I really wish someone had told me these things could happen.
I Really Need To Poop
So, it turns out that anesthesia and pain killers really play a number on your digestive tract. It's been about five days since my last poo and that's all I really want to do now. I generally drop a deuce once a day and I enjoy that moment immensely, it may be one of my favorite parts of the day actually, but I am so backed up right now I think I can feel everything down there stacking up. It is unpleasant and I want it to stop. So, if the fairy godmother of taking a crap is out there, please send some love and the ability to take a poop again my way.
I Wish My Hand Would Work
I posted a video detailing the problems I have been having, but I would just like to reiterate how weird I think this is. Apparently, if the surgeons put you in the right pose (or wrong pose rather) for too long they can pinch nerves or create swelling that impairs them to the point where an entire appendage is no longer able to properly function. Waking up from open-heart surgery is bad enough, adding a hand that doesn't work is just mean spirited, but not that uncommon from what I have learned. I guess this happens kind of regularly. It's just not something they put in the pamphlet.
When Did Showers Become a Workout?
I took my first real shower yesterday and I haven't been so tired in a long time. If it didn't feel like my ribcage was exploding when I bent over I would have been hands-on-my-knees tired, but instead I settled for exhausted-in-bed tired.It turns out that holding and moving your arms around over your head is one hell of a workout. I guess my first shower after my last two surgeries came at points when I was in better shape because I don't remember them being so hard. It's also not a huge motivator to stay clean. So, if I bother anyone with my smell or lack of cleanliness in the next few days it's not my fault. Imagine a shower being the most exhaustive thing you can think of and tell me how excited you are about staying clean.
Oh my god, I'm laughing my ass off. Not at your expense, well, kind of. The way you retold your series of events was hilarious, not that what's going on is funny, But your account of it is. I think it's bc I can relate in some ways, but not to your extreme. I didn't know about the side effects either, what a pain. Literally! IF they let you, MIRALAX works great! My Goodness:) Its awesome to see you're doing well, and cool that you shared w/ us all the details of where you are. Dig the pics and video. I was curious about it all. When do you get to move on from that joint? Your will and determination is obviously strong as ever. awesome to see. have a great day! Look forward to your future posts as always.
I am familiar with MIRALAX and it isn't working this time. It took a suppository last night to finally get the job done. hopefully i broke the seal and it will be easier now. I'm glad you thought it was so funny. And for updates I was released today! I'm currently half way home.
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