I'm not afraid, I'm not angry, I'm not sad, I'm just ready to get this behind me.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm In a Glass Cage of Emotion

It's been over a week since I got the bad news about my aortic valve and I'm still not sure how I feel about everything. I don't know if I've come to grips with all the different aspects of what just happened. It all feels a little bit fuzzy in a general kind of way. I know exactly how I feel about some of the specifics, but when I try to think about the situation as a whole everything seems muddy. Let me try to elaborate.

For example, on the subject of not seeing my students again I am sad. I wish I could go back to Korea and teach them for the next seven months like I'm supposed to, but I can't. Knowing that they are in good hands makes me feel better, but I'm still sad. At the very least I would like to go back and say a proper goodbye to them all. I don't think that's asking too much. I'm not confused at all about my students.

As far as my upcoming surgery is concerned I am determined to get through it quickly so that I can get back to fun things. I feel ready and a bit nervous, but unafraid. I know the risks and I know the benefits and the good that it will do outweighs the bad by an infinite amount. There's no disputing the fact that surgery is a good thing and I'm ready to get better. There's no confusion here, I want to have this operation.

Separately I have no doubts about my feelings, but when I think about these two subjects together things get messy. I want to have this valve replacement and I want to have it now, but at the same time I want dearly to go back to Korea and see my students again. I can't have both and I've made my decision, but I'm not thrilled about it. So, maybe I do know how I feel about everything, but I'm not entirely happy about how it's all working out. I've made my decision but I don't want it to be a grey-area decision. I wish it could be a clear-cut, black and white decision, but it can't. Being an adult and making mature decisions sucks. I'd rather roll around on the floor kicking and screaming for a bit until I feel better. Maybe I'll try that next time I'm faced with a difficult decision that kind of sucks even when I make a good choice.

1 comment:

triple negative warrior queen said...

I'm so bummed to see your email blog. You've been on my mind, and this is quite shocking. Cowboys ride roads less traveled....I hope your road is smooth. I hope to hear more about your return to Korea in the near future. Know that You've been my inspiration through my journey, and it's an honor to know you , Marc. Know that your old penpal is here!